Thingy of the day

The question is not how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. The question is: what dance are they doing?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

All that glitters


Evr'y twinkle's a diamond, all that glitters is gold,
all shimmers are silver, or so I've been told.

they say happiness comes from shining truth
it's truth or falsity is moot,
'cause honesty's not gold's strong suit,
and all that holds us, sparkling glue.

Simmering, shimmering, flickering, glimmering,
sparkling, twinkling, hovering, shining,
burning, fading, gleaming, flowing,
glowing like a diamond mine.

Fizzing sparks, beating hearts,
gilded gold on Noah's ark,
light so bright that it seems dark.

Syrupy spirits in uneven flow
counterfeit coins like a firework show,
and all this shining, blinding slow,
standing still, you can feel it glow.


  1. I believe that one is very cool, it's kind of out there.

  2. These words have a wonderful tendancy to roll around on the tongue when read aloud.
